The Port controls access and coordinates activities with the suppliers and with third-party workers (external workers who carry out work in the port such as maintenance of vessels, and their workers).
The coordination of activities means that both suppliers and external workers are informed of the occupational risk assessment, the Self-Protection Plan, the operating protocols and the manuals of good environmental practices of the Port, which can be consulted by clicking on the two bottom buttons.
To facilitate the task of coordinating activities, the Port’s third-party workers and suppliers are authorized to use the activity coordination platform of the Catalan Association of Sports Ports (ACPET). Being registered implies having access to all the port facilities in Catalonia associated with ACPET. Registration is free and can be done through the ACPET website.
As for providers, we would like to inform you that the evaluation of the quality of your service will be evaluated through regular monitoring of incidents.
The Port controls access and coordinates activities with the suppliers and with third-party workers (external workers who carry out work in the port such as maintenance of vessels, and their workers).
The coordination of activities means that both suppliers and external workers are informed of the occupational risk assessment, the Self-Protection Plan, the operating protocols and the manuals of good environmental practices of the Port, which can be consulted by clicking on the two bottom buttons.
To facilitate the task of coordinating activities, the Port’s third-party workers and suppliers are authorized to use the activity coordination platform of the Catalan Association of Sports Ports (ACPET). Being registered implies having access to all the port facilities in Catalonia associated with ACPET. Registration is free and can be done through the ACPET website.
As for providers, we would like to inform you that the evaluation of the quality of your service will be evaluated through regular monitoring of incidents.